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Author: christonl2003

100WC – Week 18

100WC – Week 18

One day the people of China were walking on the great bridge. The people on the bridge were copious so there was lots of fitful and decelerated movement than there was usual. However, as they walked under the azure sky, people started noticed that the sky that once was blue started to change to rainbow colors.  Many people had a strong pang that something was going to happen. Suddenly, it started to rain. But the rain was clay and colorful. But, when it touched the people, it would turn them into stone and the people would stay trap forever.

100 Word Challenge – #1

100 Word Challenge – #1

It was all way to fast for Daniel to comprehend. He was just a human a second ago about to go observe some ladybugs he found. However, in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a small, yellow mini-figure. To top of this problem, the ladybugs he was about to observes were surrounding him now. The swarm of ladybugs seemed interminable as they crawled to him. Daniel panicked as he entreatly cried out,” Help,” but they were no response mainly because he was in a recluse area.  So, Daniel had no choice to bring out his bright-white flashlight when…




Back in Time

Back in Time

Today, the students were on the way back in time. They were going to see the famous Alamo in San Antonio to learn the important history of how it contributed to Texas, and as well as the reason for the Alamo’s creation. “The scholars were going to have a historic time,” quoted Mr.Alaniz.

It was 8:00am in the morning when the seventh graders and teachers boarded the bus to get to the Alamo. On the way there, the girls were singing as loud as a lawnmower, and the guys were chilling like sloths, playing cards. As the bus arrived, the seventh graders formed into there assigned groups. As the day passed on, students took notes on what they thought was vital and intriguing information. Then, when the world around the Alamo began to darken around 6:30pm, the scholars and teachers started to head toward the bus to go back to school and go home.

On the way back, the girls sang to the top of their lungs and the boys tried to sleep with all the reverberation. By the time everyone got to Beta Academy, it was around 8:00pm  and it was time to go back home.


My Song “Hold You Up”

My Song “Hold You Up”

Have you ever wondered if there was a song that was created just for you? I did some researching and found a song that fits what I have been through and is still going through. The song that encompasses me would be the song “Hold You Up.”

The first lyric that would relate me to would be, “When you’re feeling lost, you’ll find your way.” This strong lyric relates to me because I have been to the point in life where I did not know what was right or wrong. However, as the song continues to say, “You’ll find your way,” I know that looking back to the past, and looking at the present, that I have found the right path to take.

“It’s not easy no,” is the second lyric of the song I decided to pick. This is mainly because this lyric means that it will not be easy to overcome hard obstacles in life. In my experience, I have dealt with many obstacles that I thought I could not overcome. But, in the end, I end up overcoming the obstacles and rising above them.

The last lyric I chose was “There’ye gonna hold you up.” I chose this last lyric because this really relates to me on how I have been supported through harsh times. Whether it be my friends or family, they supported me and helped me through it.

Given these points, the song encompasses me and was just created for me to help me rise up was the song, “Hold You Up,” by Shane Harper.


100 Word Challenge – Week 1

100 Word Challenge – Week 1

One day, David went to the portal so he could be transported to where the human lives. However, on his way to the portal, he encountered an evil person, Medusa. He swiftly tried to make it in the portal without glaring into Medusa’s jade shiny eyes, but Medusa had seen his plan. The giant David had no choice but to fight. But all of a sudden, Medusa glared into his eye and cut his hands off and placed the sword she used to separate his hands. The hands went into the human world, where David the giant could be remembered.

Who I Am – 8th Grade

Who I Am – 8th Grade

15 Facts About Christon Lindsey:

1. I love to play Fortnite.

2. I know how to solve a Rubik’s cube within 30 seconds.5





3. Math is my favorite subject but I do like science.

4. I was born in Clear Lake Hospital, in Alvin Texas.

5. I love to play basketball and soccer as sports.

6. I do not like studying even though I know it is good for me and that I study a lot.

7. I like the Beta Academy uniform.

8. I do like to go to cschool.

9. I know I am very intelligent.

10.I have a dog name Lu-Lu.

11. I have been to Beta Academy for 4 years now.

12. My career interest would be a computer programmer.

13. I have lots of freinds.

14. I have been knighted 2 times.

15. My name is Christon Lindsey





100 Word Challenge

100 Word Challenge

One day, David drove to Mc.Donald’s in a rapture mood, to order some frenchfries. Wihle he was parking his car, he noticed that there were three concrete figure that look like a family. David had to ponder about what it could be. He quickly came to the idea that they were people trapped in concrete and needed help. Seconds later, David beseeched for help, but no one believed him. So, he touched the figures to see what would happen. All of a sudden everything turns black, and David’s is back in his room, on his bed. “Another dream” he said.

100 Word Challenge – Week 13

100 Word Challenge – Week 13

Gabriel and Seri were walking in the dark, cursed woods. On one hand he had a torch, on the other he had a survival knife. He was walking towards a river that would lead him to safety, when he noticed a sound. He turned multiple ways to  determine the location, but he could not find the noise. It was at that moment that a White Tiger had leaped over Gabriel. Gabriel said to Seri, “it is no use , the tiger was blocking our escape route  to safety, so there is only one thing to do” , as Gabriel lifted his knife.  

100 Word Challenge – Week 12

100 Word Challenge – Week 12

I hurried to a restaurant that was comprising a grand opening today. Legend has it that this illustrious restaurant, opens one time a year. This year they were selling a sandwich with white bread and a juicy steak. As I was speed walking, I  opened the GPS app on my phone to find the restaurant location. Unfortunately, my dilapidated battery was about to die.  Fortunately, I saw the sign of the restaurant. I went to the door only to find a sign saying,” Closed, ran out of supply, come next year.” I walked slowly away , as my engertic feelings faded.

One day, David visits the mall. As he is walking, he notices a pair of glasses that cost two-ninety nine dollars. After paying, David puts on the glasses and notice something strange. He saw ghosts of people, that are walking around the mall. David then took the glasses off to see what would happen; the ghost disappear. However, when he put the glasses on, they were back. As David was walking towards a ghost, on accident, a guy bumps into him and unwittingly breaks the glasses. David puts them on, but only to find out that there were no ghosts…
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