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Month: September 2017

100 word challenge-week 3

100 word challenge-week 3

One day, a professor and his assistant discovered something unusual. It was a bear, standing with red boots, and was wearing a purple coat. This bear as standing right in front of there clear, see through doorway. The professor and his assistant exchange a twisted glance as they open the door. As soon as they open the door, the bear started talking about a missing difficult crocodile to handle named Sally. They passed out as soon as they heard the bear talk. The bear left with a sigh and started walking away from this location. The bears name was “Paddington.”

Who Am I

Who Am I

My name is Christon, and I am 13 years old. If there was one word to describe me, it would be Intelligent. In addition, I like to go to school and have a great time. I attend Beta Academy college preparatory. Additionally, I am a very loyal scholar, who will help anyone if they are in need. For instance, helping one of my peers with homework, or helping somebody up if they fall down. Correspondingly, I also respect other ideas and listen to one another. I try to act like a leader and be role model to those who are younger than me. In my every day life, I try to strive for excellences no matter the circumstances. One rule that I practice is the ,”Golden rule: treat others how you want to be treated.” Although this is my first blog, I am going to work my hardest to complete any assignment given to me. Given all these points, These are all the attributes that describe who I am as a person and of course,”Who I Am.”
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