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Month: October 2018

100 Word Challenge – #1

100 Word Challenge – #1

It was all way to fast for Daniel to comprehend. He was just a human a second ago about to go observe some ladybugs he found. However, in the blink of an eye, he transformed into a small, yellow mini-figure. To top of this problem, the ladybugs he was about to observes were surrounding him now. The swarm of ladybugs seemed interminable as they crawled to him. Daniel panicked as he entreatly cried out,” Help,” but they were no response mainly because he was in a recluse area.  So, Daniel had no choice to bring out his bright-white flashlight when…




Back in Time

Back in Time

Today, the students were on the way back in time. They were going to see the famous Alamo in San Antonio to learn the important history of how it contributed to Texas, and as well as the reason for the Alamo’s creation. “The scholars were going to have a historic time,” quoted Mr.Alaniz.

It was 8:00am in the morning when the seventh graders and teachers boarded the bus to get to the Alamo. On the way there, the girls were singing as loud as a lawnmower, and the guys were chilling like sloths, playing cards. As the bus arrived, the seventh graders formed into there assigned groups. As the day passed on, students took notes on what they thought was vital and intriguing information. Then, when the world around the Alamo began to darken around 6:30pm, the scholars and teachers started to head toward the bus to go back to school and go home.

On the way back, the girls sang to the top of their lungs and the boys tried to sleep with all the reverberation. By the time everyone got to Beta Academy, it was around 8:00pm  and it was time to go back home.


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